Where to begin? Today was full of awesome when it comes to the production of Party Girl. As scheduled, we had a table read for episodes 1-6. I had wanted to go through all of them, but decided to break it up into two parts. And good thing to. I had not realized what an undertaking it would be on the one hand to prep things for the table read as far as scripts, food, drinks and making sure there was a good enough set up for people. But it’s a learning experience amongst other things. What did I learn today, get an earlier start. Also, do not lock yourself out of the building you intend to hold your table read in, now that would have been bad had I not found a way in.

Starting late, I was late in getting hard copies of scripts to the people who needed them. I imagine the natives were getting a bit restless, but they stuck it out and once we got rolling with the reading, it was fairly smooth sailing. It’s nice to pick up some of the grammatical mistakes I missed even though I had perused the scripts a zillion times by now. After a certain point they become white noise on some levels so you end up missing even the most basic of errors. Having people read the scripts outloud you can catch those things, you can see how jokes (if any) play when heard aloud as well as visualize how you would like to shoot the scenes. For example Adelle and Spencer’s characters in episode 1.4 “WTF” played a lot funnier than I expected with the crew. Which is good, not so much super up beat comedic as much as a black sort of WTF comedy. Hence the episode name of course.

I have much appreciation, gratitude and props for everyone who showed up today for multiple episodes and those who had bit parts in this installment of episodes and still came out. The cast/crew I have assembled for this project is amazing and I absolutely cannot wait to get started filming. Everyone from top to bottom fits their roles and will bring enough of their own flair to the roles to make them even more than I imagined they could be.

The Buchanan Family, (LtoR) Emma Weatherford, Jenni Mabrey, D.J. Economou, Samantha Rieff

The Buchanan Family, (LtoR) Emma Weatherford, Jenni Mabrey, D.J. Economou, Samantha Rieff

What more could I ask for than a room full of people I can’t wait to work with? I will have to remember next time to take some more snap shots of the cast together, likely have some body else on that while I keep everything else going. Definitely see the value of having a capable right hand assisting with things and I had one today in Jason Matthew Terry. Jason as I have mentioned before on this blog is with Bunny Killer Entertainment here in Denton. He is working to get his own projects off the ground but never ceases in offering his talent and help for my projects which I am quite grateful for on days like this where I couldn’t have succeeded without the assist. Jason is projected to handle the majority load of effects on the series.

Samantha Rieff is doing some double duty, or triple duty actually. She is acting as Michelle Buchanan, doing costume design work for the Grasshopper suit and acting as our liason to the school district we are looking to shoot the high school scenes at. Tody afforded the opportunity for her to get a look at Alan Chow in person. Alan will be playing the aforementioned Grasshopper character, of which I am geeked beyond belief to see in action on screen.

Emma should be set to begin with my fight coordinator here in Denton, will be sure to get some video of that for fun behind the scenes stuff for the series.

Work will continue on the shooting schedule, a tentative one at least. Things will need to be a bit flexible on the back end to account for the school. Also have to factor in the next table read for the other half of episodes which will include Delilah, Darchart, The Hell Sisters, Riley and the season finale showdown of Party Girl and Bookworm.

Today was a good day all around. Getting to meet some cast members I had not yet met in person, and getting everyone else to meet each other and see who they will be working with for this project. It was a great great day.

Topped off with it being 5 years to the day for me and Steph, my better half and the reason I am able to do all I am doing.

Sunday will be epic as well, why? More Dial-A-Ranger! And remember Insourcing is coming! V-day!

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