New Dial-A-Ranger! Insourcing! Party Girl!

Posted: 2013/01/07 in Uncategorized
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It’s Monday, so if you haven’t checked it by now, and looking at the views we can see many people haven’t, a new episode of Dial-A-Ranger has been posted featuring the first meeting between our hero Stan Gerbil and the new hotshot Sity Patrol Delta Red Ranger. It’s the first of a handful of appearances SPD Red Ranger makes on the show, his storyline continuing into season 2. Good stuff. And of course in addition to episode 9 we always encourage people to check out the previously released Season 1 episodes.

In other work from the weekend, we shot episode 13 of Insourcing. The rough cut of it looks nice. We have three more episodes to do and a couple pickups. Two of them should be handled this weekend.

I am aiming for a Valentine’s Day release for the first episode and then they will drop weekly after that. And then we will go into promotion mode pimping the hell out of the show and hoping people will take some time out and watch it and have a few laughs with us. It’s been good work by all involved and many many people need to see it.

On the Party Girl front, I have been confirming more folks for the planned table read on the 19th. While I won’t have every single person who appears in the show there, the main players will be so people can at least meet and greet and see who they will be working with. Plus I can get a sneak peak of how the elements of this mix with each other. I am quite geeked for it.

Also this week I should be taking a peek inside the closet of Giovannie Cruz to see what outfits she already has on hand that will fit the mold of White Rose and Red Rose. Also planning on meeting with Whitney Bangerter and her husband as the latter’s line of work has granted him a warehouse space that we should be able to use, just have to peep it for myself and see what episodes we can use it for.

Lot’s of work ahead but good times with it.

Other than that, more shooting schedule work tonight. Just lining up the pieces and seeing how we can get this project done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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